
Roopaantar Campaign




·    ABOUT

The main objective of this project is to provide essential food items and medicines specifically to pregnant women. We prioritize the provision of nutritious meals, in the form of Khichadi, to designated hospitals. This is crucial for the well-being of both the expectant mother and her developing baby. On a daily basis, we distribute 100 servings of Khichadi, ensuring that pregnant women receive the vital nutrients they need for a healthy and strong start for their newborns.

This initiative embodies deep empathy. It goes beyond providing a mere meal; it's about delivering nutritious Khichdi meals and vital medicines with utmost compassion to the women who need it most. Our goal? To tackle hunger, alleviate poverty, combat malnutrition, and take the forefront in promoting preventive healthcare.


The Madad Project aligns with several of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), demonstrating its commitment to addressing global challenges and fostering positive change. Here are the goals that project Madad contributes to:

                                                Project Sector

Currently, "We distribute Khichdi to around 90 – 100 female patients in the hospital on a daily basis.". This initiative aims to ensure that our female patients receive nutritious and easily digestible meals during their stay, contributing to their recovery and well-being. We are committed to promoting the health and welfare of our patients through this thoughtful provision of food."

Why the Project?

This project is multifaceted, which involves distribution of Food, Medicines, creating awareness on hygiene.

·   Food security exists when all people have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs for an active and healthy life. Malnutrition is constantly posing as a leading risk factor for child death, emphasizing maternal nutrition during pregnancy.

·   Financially underprivileged patients, mothers and child both are suffering from malnutrition. When someone from a poor family gets hospitalized in a government hospital then the attendants too, in lack of money, could not eat proper food.

·   The intent of the project is Creating awareness and counselling on menstrual hygiene, educating the people regarding family planning. 

·   Distribution of Sanitary pads for maintaining menstrual hygiene. Feed such poor and needy people who are in need of nutritious food.

Why Khichadi?

Keeping in mind the health of the patients and as advised by the doctors, Khichadi serves as complete food. It’s light and easily digestible, which is the best food for a recovering patient. Khichadi   regulates the digestion process and is very nutritious food.


v  Reference Data and Statistics from NFHS-5 (National Family Health Survey 2019-2020)


Implementation/ Execution

In the initial phase of the project Food distribution in form of nutritious Khichadi will be taken up. Khichadi will be served to the identified government & charitable hospitals.

·   The Khichadi will be distributed to the needy with the help of NGO named Roopaantar to the identified government hospital.

Future Roadmap

·   In coming future, we will plan to distribute the essential medicines to the needy and poor.

·  Employees from our organisation will also do the counselling to the women on menstrual hygiene. This will also include a drive to distribute the    Sanitary pads to the women and spreading awareness on menstrual hygiene.

·  The identified group of women will be counselled to make them aware of precautions, food, medicines, as prescribed by a doctor and habits during    their pregnancy on monthly basis.

·  The above campaign will be run on known places, as identified by the NGO Roopaantar where pregnant women will come for their routine health    checkup.



 Your support means a world of difference to the women and children in hospitals who rely on our project for nutritious meals.

Together, we're building healthier futures for both mothers and their precious little ones.

Join us in this meaningful cause by making a donation today!

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Target (till 31st July )
Targeted Beneficiary
Distribution per day
Targeted Distribution per day