
Roopaantar Projects




Project MUSKAAN is a dedicated endeavor to uplift and empower talented women from underprivileged backgrounds, following the inspiring pattern of Project MUSKAAN. Our mission goes beyond mere support; it aims to provide a robust platform for these women to nurture their skills and forge a path toward a sustainable livelihood. Much like the thread of a tapestry, Project MUSKAAN endeavors to weave the stories of these women into a narrative of empowerment.


In 2023, in the vibrant city of Ahmedabad, we initiated the "MUSKAAN" project. At its core, Project MUSKAAN is driven by the dual pillars of talent nurturing and women's empowerment. The project envisions creating a nurturing space where women from underprivileged communities can hone their talents and transform them into a means of income generation. It recognizes that empowerment is not just about financial stability but also about fostering a sense of confidence, independence, and agency among these women.


Following are the SDGs "MUSKAAN" contributes to :


Why Project MUSKAAN?

The primary objective of Project MUSKAAN is to break the cycle of limited opportunities for women in underprivileged backgrounds. By providing them with a platform to develop their talents, the project seeks to enable these women to become architects of their own destinies. The focus extends beyond skill development to encompass a holistic approach, promoting not only financial independence but also personal growth and empowerment.

What we do?

The Ahmedabad Chapter: Central to MUSKAAN's vision is its network of healthy food stalls managed by Ms Durga Deepak Vanik, serving nutritious foods like salads and juices. This not only promotes healthy lifestyles but also challenges workforce gender norms, providing economic opportunities for women.

The Indore Chapter: In this empowering setting, Ms. Ranu Phoolmali, a self-taught artist from Musakhedi, thrives. Her involvement with MUSKAAN since July 2023 has allowed her to excel in creating clay artifacts and eco-friendly diaries. Her journey exemplifies the potential for creativity and inspires others to discover their artistic talents.

Core Initiatives: A Holistic Approach

Project MUSKAAN, recognizes the multifaceted nature of empowerment. It goes beyond skill development by offering mentorship, counseling, and access to resources that contribute to the overall well-being of the women involved. The project actively advocates for women empowerment, aiming to create a ripple effect of positive change within families and communities.


  • Elevating women from underprivileged backgrounds by providing them with a supportive platform for talent development.
  • Transforming abilities into a source of income, fostering financial independence.
  • Advocating for women's empowerment on a broader societal level.
  • Breaking down barriers to opportunities and challenging stereotypes that limit the potential of these women.
  • Creating a network of empowered women who serve as role models and catalysts for change within their communities.

Project MUSKAAN is not merely about creating artisans; it's about nurturing leaders, innovators, and contributors to society. By investing in the talents and potential of underprivileged women, the project aims to create a more inclusive and empowered society where every woman has the opportunity to thrive and contribute meaningfully to her community.

Our Promises:

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