
Dipasha Piplodiya

Dipasha Piplodiya

Dipasha Piplodiya
Dipasha Piplodiya Volunteer

Dipasha Piplodiya

As a volunteer with Roopaantar in Indore, my involvement in various projects like Madad, Pathshala, Urban Forest, Muskan, and Sui Dhaga has been a transformative journey. Engaging with Madad allowed me to extend assistance to those in need, while Pathshala provided an opportunity to contribute to educational initiatives, fostering a love for learning. Urban Forest projects highlighted the importance of environmental sustainability, and Muskaan emphasized the role of emotional well-being in communities. Participating in Sui Dhaga exposed me to the impactful world of skill development, empowering individuals for better livelihoods. This volunteering experience has not only broadened my horizons but has also instilled a deep sense of fulfillment and purpose in making a positive difference.